윤재관 “내란·군사반란 주범 김용현의 검찰행, 자수인가, 도피인가”

“검찰의 내란사건 특수본부장 박세현은 한동훈의 직계로, 현대고·서울법대 후배다”

문홍철 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/09 [14:00]

윤재관 “내란·군사반란 주범 김용현의 검찰행, 자수인가, 도피인가”

“검찰의 내란사건 특수본부장 박세현은 한동훈의 직계로, 현대고·서울법대 후배다”

문홍철 기자 | 입력 : 2024/12/09 [14:00]



▲ 박세현 비상계엄 특별수사본부장이 8일 오후 서울 서초구 서울고등검찰청 기자실에서 수사 관련 브리핑을 하고 있다. 2024.12.08.  © <사진제공=뉴시스>


[사건의내막 / 문홍철 기자] = 윤재관 조국혁신당 대변인은 오늘 12월 9일 논평브리핑에서 “내란·군사반란 주범 김용현의 검찰행, 자수인가, 도피인가”라고 밝혔다. 


윤재관 조국혁신당 대변인은 “12·3 내란주동자 김용현이 8일 새벽 검찰에 자진출두해 체포됐다”라면서 “휴대전화 교체, 텔레그램 폭파 등 증거를 ‘착실하게’ 인멸한 뒤였다”면서 “검찰과 경찰 국가수사본부, 고위공직자범죄수사처까지 기관 간 수사경쟁이 벌이지고 있는데, 김용현은 검찰을 골랐다”고 덧붙였다. 


이어 윤재관 대변인은 “경찰이 신청한 영장이 발부된 직후였다”면서 “자신이 검찰을 택하고 출두 시간대까지 골랐으니, 체포라기보다는 피신에 가깝다”라며 “왜 검찰이었을까요?”라고 의혹을 제기했다.


또한 윤재관 대변인은 “검찰의 내란사건 특수본부장 박세현은 한동훈의 직계로, 현대고·서울법대 후배다”면서 “내란수괴 윤석열이 검찰총장이 된 직후에는 대검에서 함께 근무했다”라며 “박세현의 부친 박순용(전 대검 중수부장)과 한동훈의 장인 진형구(전 대검 공안부장)는 막역한 술친구였다”고 폭로했다.


그리고 윤재관 대변인은 “김용현은, 내란수괴 윤석열과 제2의 친위쿠데타 주범 한동훈의 패밀리가 수사권을 쥐고 있는 검찰을 선택하는 것이 더 유리하다 판단했을 것”이라면서 “특수본에 합류한 검사들이 2016년 국정농단 특검팀에서 윤석열과 한 팀이었고, 탄핵소추안 투표불성립 및 제2의 친위쿠데타를 일으킨 한동훈의 직계가 본부장이니 피신처로서는 제격인 셈이다”라며 “윤석열과 한동훈의 만남 때 협작과 거래의 결과물일 수 있다”고 꼬집고 나섰다.


윤재관 대변인은 “김용현이 증거를 인멸할 시간까지 기다려준 검찰로의 피신, 한동훈과 특수관계인 검찰 특수본부장, 내란 및 군사반란에 대한 검찰수사가 시작부터 구립니다”라면서 “어느 국민이 검찰수사를 믿겠습니까”라며 “윤석열의 ‘배후자’ 김건희씨의 도이치모터스 주가조작 사건, 300만원짜리 디올백 수수 사건 모두 무혐의 처분했던 검찰 아닙니까”라고 비판의 목소리를 높였다.


윤재관 대변인은 “검찰은 내란 수사에서 손을 떼십시오”라며 “내란 혐의 수사권이 있는 경찰 국수본과 공수처의 협업 또는 특검을 통해서 전모가 밝혀질 것”이라고 강조했다.


“3년은 너무 길다”는 민심을 받들어 윤석열 검찰독재정권 조기종식을 기치로 창당한 조국혁신당, 지난 7월 탄핵추진위원회를 만들고 11월에 ‘대통령 윤석열 탄핵소추안’ 초안을 공개한 조국혁신당은, 윤석열 탄핵의 날을 앞당기기 위해 맨 앞에서 맨 마지막까지 싸울 것이라고 전했다.  






*아래는 위 기사를'구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의[전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Yoon Jae-kwan: “Kim Yong-hyun, the mastermind of the internal rebellion and military rebellion, is he turning himself in or running away?”


“Park Se-hyun, the head of the special investigation unit for internal rebellions, is a direct descendant of Han Dong-hoon and a junior at Hyundai High School and Seoul Law School.”


[Inside Story / Reporter Moon Hong-chul] = Spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Korea, Yoon Jae-kwan, stated in a commentary briefing today, December 9, “Kim Yong-hyun, the mastermind of the internal rebellion and military rebellion, is he turning himself in or running away?”


Spokesperson for the Democratic Party of Korea, Yoon Jae-kwan, stated, “Kim Yong-hyun, the mastermind of the internal rebellion and military rebellion, voluntarily appeared at the prosecution office in the early morning of the 8th and was arrested,” and added, “He ‘assistantly’ destroyed evidence by changing his cell phone and detonating Telegram,” and “While the prosecution, the National Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency, and the High-ranking Officials’ Crime Investigation Office are competing with each other to conduct investigations, Kim Yong-hyun chose the prosecution.”


Spokesperson Yoon Jae-kwan then said, “It was right after the police requested the warrant,” and raised suspicions by saying, “He chose the prosecution and even chose the time of his appearance, so it’s closer to hiding than arrest.” He continued, “Why did he choose the prosecution?” Spokesperson Yoon Jae-kwan also revealed, “The head of the special prosecution unit for internal rebellion cases, Park Se-hyun, is Han Dong-hoon’s direct descendant and a junior at Hyundai High School and Seoul Law School,” and “They worked together at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office right after the internal rebellion ringleader Yoon Seok-yeol became the Prosecutor General.” He also revealed, “Park Se-hyun’s father Park Soon-yong (former head of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office’s Central Investigation Department) and Han Dong-hoon’s father-in-law Jin Hyung-goo (former head of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office’s Public Security Department) were close drinking buddies.” And Spokesperson Yoon Jae-kwan said, “Kim Yong-hyun must have judged that it would be more advantageous to choose the prosecution, where the family of the internal strife ringleader Yoon Seok-yeol and the second coup mastermind Han Dong-hoon hold investigative powers,” and added, “The prosecutors who joined the special investigation team were on the same team as Yoon Seok-yeol in the 2016 special investigation team for state affairs corruption, and the head of the headquarters is a direct descendant of Han Dong-hoon, who caused the second coup and the failure of the impeachment vote, so it is an appropriate place for a refuge,” and pointed out, “It could be the result of cooperation and deal made when Yoon Seok-yeol and Han Dong-hoon met.” Spokesperson Yoon Jae-kwan raised his voice in criticism, saying, “Kim Yong-hyun’s refuge to the prosecution, who waited until he could destroy evidence, the special prosecution team chief with Han Dong-hoon, and the prosecution’s investigation into internal rebellion and military rebellion are flawed from the start,” and “Which citizen would trust the prosecution’s investigation?” and “Isn’t it the prosecution that cleared Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘behind the scenes’ Kim Gun-hee of stock price manipulation at Deutsche Motors and the 3 million won Dior bag bribery case?”


Spokesperson Yoon Jae-kwan emphasized, “The prosecution should stay out of the internal rebellion investigation,” and “The whole story will be revealed through collaboration between the National Police Agency and the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which have the authority to investigate internal rebellion, or through a special investigation.” The Cho Kuk Innovation Party, which was founded with the goal of ending the Yoon Seok-yeol prosecution dictatorship early in response to the public sentiment that “three years is too long,” established the Impeachment Promotion Committee in July and released the draft of the “President Yoon Seok-yeol Impeachment Bill” in November, announced that it would fight from the front line to the very end to bring forward the day of Yoon Seok-yeol’s impeachment.



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